sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

Sobre os ciclos da economia, equilíbrio, caos e ordem

Uma das boas perspectivas de uma rede é sustentar um constante desequilíbrio no sistema. Visão interessante e ponto de vista a dar uma sacudida naquilo que tem muita gente buscando por aí: as redes não vieram para estabilizar relações, vieram apenas explicitando as oscilações e impermanências do nosso fazer.


"Innovation is disruption; constant innovation is perpetual disruption. This seems to be the goal of a well-made network: to sustain a perpetual disequilibrium. A few economists studying the new economy (among them Paul Romer and Brian Arthur) have come to similar conclusions. Their work suggests that robust growth sustains itself by poising on the edge of constant chaos. "If I have had a constant purpose it is to show that transformation, change, and messiness are natural in the economy," writes Arthur.

The difference between chaos and the edge of chaos is subtle. Apple Computer, in its attempt to seek persistent disequilibrium and stay innovative, may have tottered too far off-balance and let itself unravel toward extinction. Or, if its luck holds, it may discover a new mountain to ascend after a near-death experience."

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